Lake County Forest Preserves
Mettawa is surrounded by open lands from Lake County Forest Preserve Parks. The village also has several trails leading into the forest preserves parks that they maintain for pedestrians, cycling or equestrian usage.
Enjoy the great opportunities for outdoor activities whether it’s a leisure stroll through one of the village’s parks or an adventurous hike in one of the many surrounding Lake County Forest Preserves.
- Here is the map with the Mettawa trail heads connectivity to the Lake County Forest Preserve trails.
- Lake County Forest Preserve District

A Peaceful Oasis
This peaceful oasis among the bustling suburbs offers 4 miles of scenic trails: a short loop for hikers, bicyclists and skiers that circles a pond, and a 3-mile loop for hikers, bicyclists, skiers and horses. Please keep dogs leashed and on trails at all times, and pick up after them. Learn about our off-leash Dog Parks (permit required). A wheelchair accessible fishing pier provides easy access to a 3-acre man-made pond.

A Conservation Preserve
This preserve harbors a rare stand of northern flatwoods, ecologically valuable wetlands, and several state-listed threatened and endangered species. While there are no trails here, the two natural communities found on the site include a wet-mesic prairie and a high-quality sedge meadow that contain more than 165 native plant species. Healthy, native plants are now thriving in pastures where horses once grazed. The preserve underwent a comprehensive ecological restoration during a 7-year, $1.5 million project to remove non-native and invasive species, and reestablish native species to support native habitats. The project was supported by a generous $500,000 grant from The Grainger Foundation. Townline Stables operates a boarding stable at the northwest corner of the preserve. For information, call 847-219-4951.

Quiet and Clean
This quiet and clean preserve features a 1-mile trail for hikers, bicyclists and cross-country skiers, Please keep dogs leashed and on trails at all times, and pick up after them. Learn about our off-leash Dog Parks (permit required).
Half Day also offers three beautiful picnic shelters, a 3-acre pond for fishing, open playfields and a playground.

Undeveloped Beauty
MacArthur Woods is a large undeveloped tract of forest that represents the forest that once covered the eastern edge of the DesPlaines River Valley in the Northeastern Morainal Natural Division. Dry-mesic upland forest, mesic floodplain forest and northern flatwoods are the common communities.
Bike Trails and More
One of our most popular spots, offering miles of trails, great bass fishing and secluded picnic spots in the heart of Lake County. Old School’s sled hill is one of the most popular features of this preserve and can be seen from I-94.